There are lots of women out there that are naturally friendly and outgoing all the time. The problem a lot of guys seem to be having is that they confuse friendliness for romantic flirtation, which leads to serious disappointment, not to mention frustration. So, how do you tell the difference between a girl who’s just being friendly verses a woman who’s really into you? Take a moment to run through the following questions and see for yourself.
1. How Does She Interact With Other Men?
Watching the woman as she interacts with other men can give you the answer you’re looking for. The next time you’re hanging out with her and there are other guys around, observe the way she talks to them and treats them. If she treats or flirts with all the other guys exactly the same way she treats you, then you might assume that she isn’t any more interested in you than she is any other man that comes her way.
However, if her gaze lingers and she goes out her way to talk to you, distances herself from the other guys, and mentions mutual interests she wants to enjoy with you, she may be genuinely romantically interested in you.
2. How Is Her Body Language Around You?
You have to remain keenly aware of every gesture, every word, and every glance a woman throws your way when trying to understand her behavior. A woman that likes you romantically will pay special attention to you, make serious eye contact, play with hair, touch your arm, make excuses to stand close to you, dig for personal information and inquire about your status, etc.
However, if she’s just smiling at you without laughing, looks away while you speak to her, asks you very generic questions, refrains from asking you about your personal life, leans away from you and remains no closer than arm’s length at all times, she’s probably not interested and is just trying to be polite and not lead you on.
3. Does Her Job Require Her To Be Friendly?
If she’s working in a male-driven industry or is on the job as a waiter or bartender, for example, part of her job may require her to be flirtatious with men and she may not be interested in you romantically. However, if you can’t think of any reason she would feel obligated to show interest in you, she may be flirting.

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