Hehehe...I luv tha "Whuz yo favorite Rapper?" questionz...Don't luv a rapper,luv wot he spits,said KRS ONE (for y'all newcomers,KRS ONE means Knowledge Reigns Supreme Over Nearly Everyone..stress on NEARLY EVERYONE)...and I pimp his mantra by adding this: love tha sense n tha poetry in his rap...WORD!!Tha mic iz an indomitable aspect,rather-an aspect ov some way,its tha driver ov our long as its linked to tha right brainz-hehe...Tha mic iz used to fuck dat fake MC outta a rap battle...givin em no chance in tha game,lettin' em try some otha shit out there, maybe lingala or even welding...hehe!however much they get diss'd,they still ain' givin' up coz y'all gat so fuck'd up myndz to listen to their shit...Tha mic iz used by tha Leechez(politicianz...Leeches suck blood which is equally important as m-m-m-mo-money?) to lure our frail minds to vote them into their 4th plus terms n listen to their LIES...They'll still use tha mic to pass payroll bills in Tha August House (mark u,AUGUST IZ THA MONTH OF DOOM)...Tha same mic wud be used by tha preachers in our churches,one wuold speak in tongues with divinity that perhaps he himself fathoms...tha sermon,which we all barely listen to,are all delivered thro' tha loud dat our brainz can't absorb...n dats why we grow savage thro' our hearts....It's tha same mic dat wud be used to LIE at your burial;the only place where a thief is praised and a good person made a saint...its thro dat mic dat tha wordz 'MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE ' can a thief really Rest In peace? Gai! do you think he'll leave those who lynched him? Before i go forge my Physics results from an E to an A(in Swahili 'E' is pronunced as 'A'...nway,dats a lame metaphor, for the slower Cerebrals, oops!), lemme ask this stoooopid question: micro means small, then why is a microphone bigger than a cellphone? (i said 'phone' not tabs)...SlitherBee <not a link, hehe

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