In the near past, African inferiority was mainly based on the judgment laid on our infamous tyrannical leaders. Why should I be termed as inferior yet no white researcher knows me: their conclusions only come from the character portrayed by our leaders…they(the gringos) will argue that am inferior coz it’s my vote that took my ‘ruler’ (barely a leader) to parliament- August House…August the cursed month. Oh my! Was it really my vote or those virtual votes that got rigged into the system…The rigging is rather symbolical to a basketball game where there’s never a single score i.e. my one vote is transformed into a 3-pointer and at times a 2-pointer. Mathema-TRICK-ally, 10 votes become 30 votes. Oh I wish it was symbolical to soccer where one goal is written as 1 on the scoreboard. Hehe, ati Mugabe the economist wanted his citizens to eat well by coming up with a law that banned consumption of eggs so that his citizens will eat more chicken at the price of an egg, um…that’s around 1.2 million Zimbabwean Dollars. Chinese manufactures Casio are soon coming up with calculators with 50cm wide screens to help boost mathematical calculations in Zimbabwe(a Ugandan will pronounce it as “Chimp-apwe”…one will think they migrated from the Congo forest south eastwards). Hehe, talk of a new Mugaberized version of Slumdog Millionaire: WTF! Our old man is so used to trillions…Maybe we’ll see something more relevant to his well tailored economy like, Slumchimp Trillionaire. All heads of state are expected ,in most normal circumstances, to express diplomacy at least in public unlike my man here who once said : ‘The only white man you can trust is a dead one’Doesn’t he think South Africa is where it is now coz the whites stayed there waaaaay too long developing the place thinking it is theirs forever?  Now he has turned to attack his own colour- The Jamaicans. In his speech Harare, he said “In Jamaica, they have freedom to smoke cannabis, the men are always high and universities are full of women…The men want to sing and do not go to colleges, some of them twist their hair. LET US NOT GO THERE” Maybe the Jamaican authorities empower female education unlike Her-Rare (Harare) universities which breeds very Rare female economists. This perhaps why The World Bank issued a report that Jamaica’s literacy level has increased to 88% (hope the report wasn’t prepared by a dude- literacy evaluation might involve co-ordination of boobz n booties in a Konshens clip or even a PasaPasa clip, who knows? ) Rumour has it that Zimbabwean mints use more paper than Stationery Companies. “Your Majesty, our economy is flopping”… “Print more bills fool” (why have I used ‘Your Majesty’ instead ‘Your Excellency’?) Well, it’s not like Zimbabwe has the worst economy in Africa, it’s just we love Robert, hehe!
Big up to my German, American and Russian readers especially K’Anna Kleschweska (Poland), Sammy Gallows (Australia) and Nancy Sasha (Detroit), Romeo Talmon (Italy) for their support. Big up to you too for reading my blog(s). Slitherbee.                                            


  1. critical thinking ilisadia sana naona. BIG UP!!!! With rational ideas like think this who knows you may build.....em..em..em..em i don know!!whatever that has not been invented yet

  2. Thanxx man...kuja upewe teachings za babu...

  3. A-FREAK-HER! Did u mean Africa? Nice thang man...tyranny made u FREAK AFRIKA?



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